Wednesday, November 10, 2010

GMM with Attorney Ronaldo Ledesma Officer in Charge of the Bureau of Immigration

“General Membership Meeting”

Officer In Charge
Bureau of Immigration
Guest of Honor & Speaker

Wednesday, 20th October 2010
Ballroom 3, New World Hotel , Makati City

Below please find the speech that Attorney Ledesma gave during the GMM:

Filipino-Indian Businessmen
October 20/21
Draft only

My friends, ladies and gentlemen:

When historians talk about the long, beneficial relationship between the people of India and the Philippines, they would also point out that traders from India had some to this country centuries before the European colonizers did.

I am sure the first Indians who came to our country landed here in order to transact business.

I am sure they did not come here for cosmetic surgery.

That is why it would have been useless to have them fill out disembarkation cards that advertise the local cosmetology business.

I do not mean to put down the medical tourism sector. I will be the first to promote it, given the right, proper and ethical opportunity.

What I simply mean to point out is that when the first businessmen arrived here from India many centuries ago, they brought to our shores many things other than commercial commodity.

They also brought to the Philippines India’s most important symbol. I refer to “human beauty”.

Others would say that it is culture that bind our two nations together. Historians and academicians would be quick to point out that the Filipino language is full of words that originated from Sanskrit. And, that many of our folk beliefs and practices had their origin from India.

I will not debate their view. But I will stick to my original stand – that the most important contribution of the Indian people to our country is “beauty”.

The evidence of this important contribution of India to the Philippines are very visible even to this day.

Two names immediately come to mind: the beautiful Binibining Pilipinas 2010 Venus Raj; and the charming actress Sharmaine Arnaiz whose real name is Sharmaine Prihibas-Shahani.

Given those two names, one cannot debate the important positive effect of the coming of the first Indian businessmen to our country centuries ago.

Unfortunately for me, my friends have concluded that they tell me point blank that I definitely have no Indian blood.

I once argued that I would pass for a son of the late Mayor Ramon Bagatsing if you look at my side view.

An Indian friend told me that in the Hindi language, that is what will be called “trishna”.

Sa tagalog, “pantasya”.

I did not come here today to talk to you about my “trishna”. Today, I thank you all for the invitation to speak before you. And today, I would like to talk about “abhilaasha” or “aspiration”. Or perhaps more appropriately, to talk about “aakaaanksha” or “intention”.

By now, you are all aware of the major reforms we are implementing at the Bureau of Immigration.

Many of these reforms have been reported in media. Many of them have received warm welcome both from the local and the expatriate communities. Some of them need a little more clarification and explanation to address whatever discomfort they may have caused.

An understanding of the “aspiration” and “intention” behind these reforms should help address those concerns.

Reforms and programs

First, allow me to review recent developments in the Bureau of Immigration front.

















The Rationale behind the Reforms

I was told by friends from the Indian community that there is a Hindi word which means “eagerness” or “passion”. The Hindi word is “laalsa”. And, I believe that this is the word that best describes what is being done and what is happening in the Bureau of Immigration front.

Laalsa. Eagerness. Passion.

What is it that we are “eager” to do? What is it that is giving us the “passion” to do the reforms and the programs I have just mentioned?

Justice Secretary Leila de Lima explained the reason well.

Here is what Secretary De Lima told us.

According to her, the mission of the Bureau of Immigration goes beyond the mere policing of the entry and exit points in our country.

She said our more important work is two-fold. First, the make sure that legitimate tourists, businessmen and investors coming into the country feel welcome and safe as they pass through the portals of our immigration service. Second, to make sure these legitimate tourists, businessmen and investors continue to feel safe and comfortable during their stay in the country.

Emphasis is made on the word “legitimate”, meaning, legal and with a valid purpose. Anyone who falls out of that definition cannot expect the welcome. Neither can they expect to feel comfortable during their illegal stay in the country.

At the end of the day, our task is not just to guard the ramparts of our island nation. Our task is to protect our friends. That means, you.

It is our task to help protect the friendship of our two nations.

Our country once had a distinguished political leader by the name of Ramon Mitra. He was once Speaker of the House and a gallant and respected leader of the political opposition.

This man was a friend to many, regardless of political persuasion and station in life.

I was told by friends from the Indian community that this man, Ramon, merely lived by his name. It appears that “Mitra” is the Hindi word for “friend”.

That’s our job – to make sure that tourists, businessmen and investors who we call our “Mitra” are given the warm welcome they deserve. And, that while they are in our country, they would feel that the Philippines is their “desh” or homeland, and that every Filipino is a brethren.

Secretary De Lima recognizes the importance of the investments that the Indian community has placed in our country’s business process outsourcing industry, tourism, trading, telecommunication and renewable energy sectors.

She points out that it is vital to ensure the safety of both Indian investors and investments since you contribute significantly to the attainment of the economic objectives of President Noynoy Aquino.

As Commissioner of the Bureau of Immigration, I find my task challenging. Even daunting.

But I also find it fulfilling.

It is an honor to be part of the overall effort to protect and enhance a centuries-old partnership between our two peoples; between our two countries.

For me, personally, this is also a pleasant task.

By pursuing our mission and performing our role, we get to thank the Indian nation for its legacy to our race.

This is “Sundarta”. Beauty. Ganda.

It is my hope that “sundarta” would not just be your gift to us, but will also be the hallmark of our continuing, mutually beneficial relationship.

Shukriya. I thank you. Maraming salamat po.


Friday, September 17, 2010

GMM with BIR Commissioner Henares

“General Membership Meeting” with HON. KIM S. JACINTO –HENARES, Commissioner , Bureau of Internal Revenue

as Guest of Honor & Speaker on

Thursday, 23rd September 2010
Ballroom B, Dusit Thani Hotel
Ayala Center, Makati City


Pasig City, Philippines
August 2007 to present Senior Private Sector Development Specialist
• Co-convene, for and in behalf of the International Finance Corporation
(IFC), the Growth and Investment Climate Working Group of the
Philippine Development Forum – the working group among the
Government of the Philippines (represented by the Department of Trade
and Industry), development partners and private sectors whose agenda is
to establish the national strategy for increasing growth and improving
the investment climate in the Philippines, and the work plan for
implementing said strategy.
• Implement, supervise, and monitor Worldbank’s National Program
Supporting Tax Administration Reform (NPSTAR) – a US$11
Million loan to the Bureau of Internal Revenue to implement
reforms in tax administration.
• Coordinate International Finance Corporation (IFC) and WorldBank
(WB) private sector development staff in the establishment and
implementation a holistic approach and strategy to improve the business
enabling environment for the WBG in the Philippines. This will require
effective liaison and coordination among WB and IFC offices and
• Track and report on policy and regulatory developments that either
impact competition and efficiency in product and services markets or
influence investment flows.
• Develop and maintain qualitative and quantitative databases that support
delivery of the Bank's analytic and advisory services in the area of
private sector development.
• Develop and maintain relationships with key economic ministries,
industry associations and private sector firms with a view to
understanding and identifying problems in the business environment.
• Coordinate the work of the World Bank Group team in the production of
analytic and advisory reports and technical assistance efforts that deal
with private sector development issues.
Paranaque City, Philippines
April 2006 to August 2007 Consultant
Provide consultancy services to various groups and projects and advocacy,
provide legal, tax and compliance advice to and structure business
transactions for various individuals, business, government agencies and
multilateral agencies, such as:
• Trade Expert to the EU funded ASEAN Single Window Project –
Pilot Implementation of ASEAN Single Window between the
Philippine Bureau of Customs and the Royal Thailand Customs.
• International Law Expert to the USAID funded project for the
development of a Philippine National Strategy of Accession to the
Revised Kyoto Convention – Convention on the Harmonization of
Customs Procedures for Trade Facilitation being undertaken by
Parayno Consultancy.
• Consultant to the Change Management Component of the AUSAID
funded Philippine Judicial Reform.
• Large Taxpayer Unit Adviser, Revenue Department of the Ministry
of Finance of Afghanistan implemented by Adam Smith
International and funded by UK’s DFID.
VERISANT, INC. , Makati City, Philippines
October 2006 to August 2007 Managing Director – Head, Compliance Services
Provide consultancy service relating to trade risk and integrity management
and internal audit.
BUREAU OF INTERNAL REVENUE, Quezon City, Philippines
August 2003 – November 2005 Deputy Commissioner
Deputy Commissioner for the Special Concerns Group of the Bureau of
Internal Revenue of the Philippines, a government agency in charge of
collecting tax revenues of P547 Billion for 2005, Officer in charge of the
Large Taxpayer Service, a Service under the Bureau of Internal Revenue
tasked to collect 56% of the P547 Billion of the tax revenue collectible by
the Bureau with personnel strength of approximately 700 personnel, and
formerly the Official Spokesperson of the Bureau of Internal Revenue.
July 2003 – July 2004 Representative
Alternate for the Secretary of Department of Trade and Industry. The
Investment Coordinating Committee is a cabinet level committee in charge
of approving projects to be entered into by the Philippine government, and
loans to be contracted by the government.
June 2003 – March 2004 Director
Alternate for the Secretary of Department of Trade and Industry. The
National Power Corporation is a government owned corporation tasked with
generating electricity either directly or purchasing power from independent
power producers for the Philippines.
June 2003 – April 2004 Director
Alternate for the Secretary of Department of Trade and Industry. The Power
Sector Assets & Liabilities Management Corporation is a government owned
corporation tasked to privatize the power generating assets of the
June – October 2003 Chairman
Alternate for the Secretary of Department of Trade and Industry. Aside from
Subic and Davao City, Cagayan Economic Zone Authority is the only other
free zone authority in the Philippines.
BOARD OF INVESTMENTS, Makati City, Philippines
March 2003 –January 31,2004 Governor
Private Sector Representative. Supervising governor of the Technical and
Management Group of the Board of Investments. From time to time act as
the Officer-in-Charge of the Board, and carry out the functions of the
Undersecretary of the Department of Trade and Industry for the Industry and
Investment Group in the absence of the appointed undersecretary. The
Board of Investment is the policy making body of the Philippine government
which determines what industries shall be given fiscal incentives, and is also
the body which screen and actually grants incentives to business entities. It
is also the body which markets the Philippines as an investment destination
for various type of business.
January 2003 – August 5, 2003 Consultant
Provided the Commissioner of Internal Revenue with advice on legal and tax
LBP LEASING CORPORATION, Makati City, Philippines
(A Subsidiary of LandBank)
November 2002 –May 2003 Director
Member of the Board of Director, Executive Committee, Member of the
Compensation and Remuneration Co
YAP, JACINTO, JACOB LAW OFFICE, Pasig City, Philippines
January 2001 –December 2002 Partner
Rendered professional legal advice on matters involving taxation, banking
law, commercial law, securities law, and other business and corporate law
matters, including but not limited to structuring of financial products and
March 1996- July 2000 Vice President – Head, Legal and Compliance (Corporate
& Legal Affairs)
Rendered legal opinion and assistance to the various members of ING
Barings (domestic and oversees), developed products, structures deals,
drafted and prepared various legal documents, created and implemented the
compliance system for ING Barings, liased between ING Barings and
various external legal counsel and governmental regulatory bodies, and
generally, acted as the internal legal counsel and the Manila Laundering
Reporting Officer for ING Barings.
ANGELES LAW OFFICE, Manila, Philippines.
1990 – 1996 Senior Associate
Rendered tax opinion, prepared protests and appeals of tax assessments, tax
and estate planning, corporate reorganization and acquisition, public
offering, registration of securities, shareholder voting, proxy contest, loan
documentation, contract drafting and review, banking and other corporate
work, drafted Rules on Issuance of Warrants initially adopted by the
Securities and Exchange commission of the Philippines and the local Stock
Exchange. Incorporate offshore companies, and prepared US Income Tax
Return of said companies. Involved in various bidding for public
infrastructure project, contract negotiation for various turnkey projects, e.g.
oleo chemical plant, petrochemical plant, airline company and project
finance. Vice Chairman of the Special Project Group.
1989-1990 Deputy to the (Vice) Chairman
Involved in the operations of the Bank, sits in the Assets Liability
Committee and Credit committee, incorporated and organized a stock
brokerage firm, liaised with the Securities and Exchange Commission and
Lloyds Bank Fund management Limited in the formulation of the rules on
the establishments of mutual funds, drafted various legal documents, and
coordinated collection. Also, engaged in private banking.
SYCIP, GORRES, VELAYO & CO. , Makati City, Philippines.
(An Affiliate of Ernst & Young, Formerly an Affiliate of Arthur Andersen & Co.),
February – October 1989 Tax Lawyer
Rendered tax opinions, tax planning, corporate reorganization and
acquisition (e.g., the reorganization of Pepsi Bottling), and prepared protests
and appeals of tax assessments.
1987-1989 General Manager
Organized and managed the department store, set policies – operational,
management, organizational, and employees policy, and functioned as the
legal counsel for corporate and labor matters.
DE LA SALLE UNIVERSITY, Manila, Philippines
October – December 1983 Lecturer
Lecturer in Accounting II – Accounting For Corporation and Partnership
Fall Term 1994 University of Toronto. Faculty of Law, Toronto, Ontario,
(Fulfillment of the Requirement of the Joint Accreditation
June 18 – July 1, 1993 Williamette University College of Law and East China
Institute of Politics and Law; Summer Chinese Legal Study in
China, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China – classes in
Chinese Law and Legal Institutions.
Winter Term 1993 McGill University, Faculty of Law, Montreal, Quebec, Canada;
(Fulfillment of the Requirement of the Joint Accreditation
Fall Term 1993 University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick,
(Fulfillment of the Requirement of the Joint Accreditation
1986 Georgetown University, Washington D.C., U.S.A.;
Master of Laws major in International and Comparative
1981 – 1985 Ateneo de Manila University, Makati City, Philippines;
Bachelor of Laws, graduated with Second Honour Medal, 16th
in an entering class of 250 and a graduating class of 100,
Consistent Honour Student.
1978-1980 De la Salle University, Manila, Philippines;
Bachelor of Science in Commerce major in Accounting,
consistent Dean’s Lister; Topnotcher, Accounting Qualifying
Examination; Member, Honour Society of Jose Rizal.
Non-align Student Representative Ateneo Law School Student Council
Member Ateneo Law Journal
Section Editor Ateneo Law Bulletin
Business Manager El Ponente (Ateneo Law School Paper)
Member Philippine Institute of Certified Public
Member Integrated Bar of the Philippines
Member Ateneo Law School’s women’s Basketball
Member Federacion Internacional de Abogadas
Member Jose Rizal Honour Society
Admitted to the Bar of the Philippines, 1988
Admitted as Certified Public Accountant, 1981

Monday, August 16, 2010

Mr. Ramesh Dargani on "Expat Insights"

Our President, Mr. Ramesh Dargani, was recently interviewed on a TV Show called "Expat Insights". To see snippets of the interview please visit or click on the Play button:

Thursday, August 5, 2010

63rd Indian Independence Day Celebration

Dear Friends,

Let us all join hands in Celebrating our 63rd Indian Independance Day, together as ONE Big United FAMILY! Its a "Grand Cultutal Show & MELA" on sunday August 15, 2010.

Kindly extend this invitation to all your near and dear ones too. Your presence will add joy to the accasion. The details are in the attachment. See you There!!

Bi Annual Meeting


Thursday, 22nd July 2010
Ballroom B, Dusit Thani Hotel , Makati City

Approval of By-Laws were done.

Induction of 11 new members

Monday, July 19, 2010

Foreign Chamber Council Executive Meeting

Attached are some photos taken during our Foreign Chamber Council executive meeting on July 6, 2010 at Queens Restaurant. This is the formal turnover of chairmanship to FICCI:

Attended by:

Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce
1. Pres. Ramesh Dargani
2. IPP Chairman Ram Sitaldas
3. former VP Dilip Budhrani

Singapore Philippines Association
1. Mr. Peter Tay

French Chamber of Commerce
1. Pres. Didier Chalumeau
2. Henri Ortis

Philippine Finland Association
1. Pres. Petteri Makitalo

Israel Chamber of Commerce
1. Pres. Isidor Gilan

Spanish Chamber of Commerce
1. General Manager Fernando Munoz

Taiwan Chamber of Commerce
1. Vice Pres Peter Lin
2. Mr. Jason Nien
3. Hon Chairman Philip Chien

Eye Camp at Makati Police Station June 19

Eye Camp at Makati Police Station
June 19, 2010

Oath Taking at OSG Office for Naturalization

We are happy to inform the members that nine ( 9) Indian nationals endorsed by your Federation obtained the approval of their petitions for Naturalization.

The following successfully took their oath on June 23 , 2010 at the Office of the Solicitor General ;
1.) Ravi Laxmandas Idnani
2) Rajesh Laxman Idnani
3) Navin Ishwar Sadarangani
4) Anju Uttam Dargani
5) Geeta Chutani
6) Neetu Rijhumal Melwani
7) Rajiv Vinod Kumar Hardasani
8) Janoo Vinod Hardasani
9) Reshma Gurmukhdas Mirpuri

Interested parties who wish to apply for Filipino Citizenship may submit their applications thru the Federation.

For further inquiries please call FICCI secretariat office at telephone nos. 814-0918/ 844-7222 .

Eye Camp in Paniqui Tarlac June 26

Eye Camp in Paniqui Tarlac
June 26, 2010

Pictures of the recently concluded Eye Camp in Paniqui, Tarlac can be found in the ePaniqui Online Facebook. Please check out this link to see pictures of the FICCI Eye Camp at Paniqui, Tarlac:!/album.php?aid=20098&id=121014507917586

Congratulations to the FICCI Team that was there and represented the Chamber in the City!

For those members / individuals / companies that would like to sponsors succeeding eye camps please touch base with the FICCI Secretariat...look for Ellen.

Below is the Secretariat's Report of the Paniqui, Tarlac Eye Camp:

Our Eyecamp held last June 26 in Municipal Hall of Paniqui, Tarlac was successful. About 318 patients benefited from this eyecamp.

The room where we conducted the check up is good as it is has aircon and big space. The Ik Onkar provided snacks ( porridge & drinks ) for the patients.

There were 3 optometrist with me + Larry & my son Kson who helped Larry in dispensing reading glasses. Mrs. Sethi also helped us.

The constituents of this eyecamp were mostly senior citizens. They looked happy and grateful to FICCI.

The new Mayor of Paniqui, Tarlac Hon. Miguel Rivilla arrived and thanked the group of The Ik Onkar and Mr. Sethi who represented the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce.

Media personnel from local networks were also invited to covered the eyecamp, they also interviewed Mr. Sethi for local news coverage.

We briefly met the Vice Mayor Gin Linsao she sent her appreciation to FICCI.

Please visit their official webpage for some pictures

Saturday, June 19, 2010

GMM with a Team from Bank Julius Baer



a team from Julius Baer (HK) Ltd,
a leading Swiss bank

Mr. Ashis Sengupta –Executive Director
Mr. Ivan Guidi -Managing Director
Dr. V. Anantha Nageswaran – Chief Investment Officer.

as Guest Speakers


Tuesday , June 08, 2010
7:00 p.m.
Ballroom 3 , New World Hotel, Makati City

Attire : Suit / Barong

Julius Baer is the leading Swiss private banking group, with an exclusive focus on servicing and advising private clients. It has s total client assets amounted to CHF241 billion at the end of 2009.

The bank started operation in 1890 and its shares are listed on the Six Swiss Exchange and form part of the Swiss Market Index (SMI), which comprises the 20 largest and most liquid Swiss stocks.

It employs a staff of over 3 000 in more than 20 countries and some 40 locations, including Zurich (head office), Buenos Aires, Dubai, Frankfurt, Geneva, Hong Kong, London, Lugano, Milan, Moscow and Singapore.

The members who attended this meeting were enlightened on the latest development in the financial world, and were informed whether the Eurozone crisis is a tailwind or a headwind for Asia.

We thank the team for coming down to the Philippines to give us this talk on the current status of the financial markets.

For more info on this event please check the Presentation done by Dr. Van. You can download it by clicking this link:

For more info on the bank please contact:

To get in touch with a representative of the bank please call Ellen at the Chamber Office to get their contact details.

Friday, June 11, 2010

League of Corporate Foundations CSR EXPO 2010

Attached please find more info about the LCF CSR EXOP 2010

For further details check out the Photos page link about it:

FICCI is inviting you to attend the LCF CSR EXPO 2010: Synergizing for Change

Greetings from the League of Corporate Foundations!

To celebrate National CSR Week, the League of Corporate Foundations (LCF) will hold its ninth LCF Corporate Social Responsibility Expo as a venue for the business community to reaffirm its commitment to a sustainable future. Through this year's theme, "Synergizing for Change", LCF hopes to enable private and public sector collaboration in putting forward a common agenda and framework for action that could make a significant and lasting impact on society.

The conference will feature plenary and breakout sessions on special topics, including Reaching Out Globally, Pathways to Change, Public-Private Partnerships, Global Standards on CSR, CSR and Social Media, Measuring Social Impact, and The Journey to Sustainability.. The exhibition is open to the general public and will showcase booths and exhibits from corporations, corporate foundations, and partners from civil society, academe and government. Lectures on CSR 101 topics will take place hourly. To show its commitment to environmental sustainability, LCF is undertaking LCF CSR Expo 2010 as a green conference.

With the support of the Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce (Philippines), Inc., we’d like to invite you to participate in this event from July 14-15, 2010. Attached is the preliminary program for your reference. To register, please fill out attached confirmation form or click on below link. Please indicate that you are an FICCI member by putting (FICCI) beside your company name as you register.

A representative of TeamAsia will be in touch shortly to confirm your participation for this event. In the meantime, for questions please call Ms. Charm Tan at +63 2 757 3500 ext 328 or +63 915 897 2506 or email her at

For more information about this event, visit our website

Edgardo Amistad Cecile Alcantara
Chairman, LCF and CSR Expo 2010 President, LCF
President, UCPB-CIIF Foundation President, Coca-Cola Foundation

If you cannot view this page properly, please click

Monday, June 7, 2010

Eye Camp at Dagupan

April 10, 2010

Eye Camp at Meycauayan

March 26, 2010

Eye Camp at Laloma Caloocan

February 27, 2010

Eye Camp at Sitio Guitna

Eye Camp at Holy Spirit

Eye Camp in Marikina

GMM with Senator Loren Legarda

September 4, 2009

Testimonial Dinner November 29, 2008

Oath Taking at OSG Office for Naturalization

We are happy to inform the members that nine ( 9 ) Indian nationals endorsed by your Federation obtained the approval of their petitions for Naturalization. The following successfully took their oath on April 21, 2010 at the Office of the
Solicitor General (OSG):
1.) Bhavna Khemo Paryani
2) Janoo Trilok Sharma
3) Niraj Guli Methani
4) Chunky Guli Methani
5) Krishan Ram Methani
6) Priti Ashok Dulani
7) Girish Sitaldas
8) Shakti Manohar Ramchand
9) Babita Trilok Dowlani ( took her oath on February 4, 2010)

Interested parties who wish to apply for Filipino Citizenship may submit their applications thru the Federation.

For further inquiries please call FICCI secretariat office at telephone nos. 814-0918/ 844-7222 mobile 0917-6263422.

GMM with Chief Justice Reynato Puno

Meeting with Chief Justice Reynato Puno
August 6, 2008
The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court gave a talk to the members. Afterwhich he also inducted the FICCI 2008 - 2010 Board

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Meeting with Mayor Jejomar Binay

A group of businessmen met with Mayor Jejomar Binay in the home of Mr. Pishu Mirpuri. There were discussions with the mayor about the elections and about the general political climate in the Phililppines inclusive of current political events. It was a good way for the Indian businessmen to meet, network, interact, and ask questions directly to the prestigious Mayor of Makati. Thanks to Mahesh Mirpuri for these pictures.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

FICCI President Turnover

60th Anniversarry of Philippine - India Diplomatic Relations

May 18, 2009
Dusit Thani Manila
Guest of Honor: Her Excellency President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo

GMM with DOJ Chief Raul Gonzales

FICCI General Membership Meeting with DOJ Chief Raul Gonzales
May 15, 2009

Induction of 2008 - 2010 Board

Induction of the 2008 - 2010 Board
August 6, 2008

Meeting with Senator Mar Roxas on Cheaper Medicines Act

On June 17, the ICC Board, along with some representatives of the Indian business sector engaged in the Pharmaceutical industry, met with Senator Mar Roxas for a dialogue on the Cheap Medicines Law which was signed by President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo.

Following is an overview and summary of the meeting which we hope will be informative and useful to other members who would wish to look into this, both as an opportunity to help reduce prices of medicines and also as a possible business venture.


Philippines’ Republic Act 9502, otherwise known as the Cheaper Medicines Act of 2008, was signed into Law by President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo on June 06, 2008 in Calamba, Laguna.

This legislation has been actively sponsored and vigorously endorsed by Senator Mar Roxas. The need for this Law was made evident when Senator Roxas was made aware of the plight of the masses who could no longer afford the prices of much needed medicines while the same were available in other countries (particularly in India) at less than ¼ of the prevailing prices here.

The new Law has opened the doors for cheaper medicines to become a reality. The restrictions and obstacles to parallel importation of medicines from India and other countries with lower prices / cost are now done away with or minimized. While the Law has been passed and the parameters have been defined on what is allowed and what is not allowed, the government agencies will now be finalizing the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) to complete the process.

Among the main elements of the Law are:

a. Allowing and Legalization of parallel importation of branded medicines by the private sector, as against the previous scenario which restricted parallel importation to the PITC.

b. Prohibition of re-patenting or extending of patents unless a major molectular change in the drug is proven.

c. Adoption of the “Early Working Doctrine” which allows processing of applications for patented drugs before the expiry so that it may be commercially sold immediately after expiry of the patent. In the past, such applications were accepted only after expiry, giving the original patent holder extra time of 2 – 3 years.

d. Government’s right to declare “National Need” as a justifiable reason for allowing patented drugs to be imported or manufactured and not just for “National Emergencies” on any medicine it requires (ex: SARS outbreak).

e. Price regulation and control is provided for in the new Law.

With the passage of the Law, the landscape of the Pharmaceutical industry in the Philippines is expected to change dramatically. Part of the change will depend on the involvement and how the business sector intends to put to good use the business opportunities for the new players. The Government hopes that the Law will allow free market forces to help increase competition, efficiency in business operations, and volume (more people being able to afford buying the needed medicines), and as a result, help bring down prices.

To better appreciate and understand the details of the Law, its implications, and the changes resulting in the Pharmaceutical Industry, Senator Roxas initiated a meeting in cooperation with the Indian Chamber of Commerce. The dialogue, held on June 17th at Drake room of the Discovery Suites, was attended by representatives of Indian companies who are engaged in the Pharmaceutical business and the Indian Chamber Board.

In attendance also were two officers of PITC as resource persons to shed light on both their current operations and the expected changes in the Industry as a result of the new Law. The dialogue proved fruitful as it provided much needed insight from both sides – the Government sector and private business.

With the Bill already signed into Law, the next order of business will be the adoption of Implementing Rules and Regulations to be formulated by the various agencies of Government. The private sector will have to actively participate in the discussions if we wish to have a smooth process that will encourage businesses to cater to the Pharmaceutical market. Senator Roxas likewise suggested to help the Chamber involve itself with the deliberations on the IRR if possible.

Towards this end, the Chamber will be organizing a Committee for the purposes of gathering inputs from businesses already in the Pharma industry, including new ones that would wish to join. The Committee will submit suggestions and if possible, attend and participate in the deliberations for the IRR.

We salute Senator Mar Roxas, for having supported the Legislation; we commend him for his unwavering concern and efforts in answering the needs of the masses. The success of the Law will now depend on the proper implementation by Government and the participation of the private sector. The dialogue conducted this week and the deliberations for the IRR will go a long way in helping ensure the success the Law.

Eye Camp in Quezon City

Eye Camp held at Project 8, Quezon City on June 14, 2009

Dinner with Sherif Shahani at AIM

Dinner with Sherif Shahani at AIM
February 16, 2010

GMM with Mayor Lim

FICCI General Membership Meeting with Mayor of the City of Manila,
Mayor Alfredo Lim
April 11, 2009

Welcome Dinner for H.E. Ambassador Yogendra Kumar

Welcome Dinner for Indian Ambassador to the Philippines, H.E. Ambassador Yogendra Kumar

February 10, 2010

Induction Ceremony & 1st General Membership Meeting of 2010 - 2012 Board

Pictures of the Induction Ceremony & 1st General Membership Meeting of the 2010 - 2012 Board of Directors of FICCI

April 17, 2010
12:00 n.n.
Continental Room,
Tower Club Philamlife Tower,
Paseo de Roxas , Makati City.

Indian Ambassador to the Philippines, H.E. Ambassador Yogendra Kumar was the Guest of Honor and Speaker for the meeting. He also officiated the induction of the new Board and Officers.

The meeting was the first opportunity for the Ambassador to meet the members of the Federation / Indian business community formally and for our members to get to know the Ambassador. For your Board as well, this was our first opportunity to present ourselves to the body and provide the members with an insight on our Plans and Programs for the next two years.